

Except for Family Service Sundays there are special activities for Children during the main 9.30am service. A younger group (aged 3-5) meet to explore, through stories and creative arts, the readings and theme of the day. There is also an older group (for those aged 6 and above) who do similar things appropriate for their age.

There is an area for very small children and toddlers to play with soft toys elsewhere in the church. Ours is a big building and there is lots of room for young people and their parents to stretch their legs and wander about if they need to and yet still remain part of the service if they want to.
The Second Sunday of each month is a Family Service. On these days music, readings and the Talk are adapted and so there is no other children’s activities with the whole congregation worshipping together throughout.


All Saints has a wonderful musical tradition and worship is supported by a really excellent choir of men, boys and girls. The Director of Music, David Condry, is always looking for children and young people who are interested in becoming part of the choir. Please email: [email protected] if you would like to know more. All our work with children is undertaken in accordance with the Child Protection guidelines as set down by the Diocese of Southwark and the Church of England.