Our worship aims to be relaxed but dignified. There are activities for children throughout the Sunday morning service and we have a strong musical tradition with a good choir of men, boys and girls supporting choral services at 9.30 am and 6 pm on Sundays.
Sunday Services
- 8.00am: Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
- 9.30am: Choral Eucharist with Children’s Workshop
- 6.00pm: Choral Evensong
Weekday Services
- Tuesday – 12 noon Holy Communion (CW)
- Wednesday – 12 noon Holy Communion (CW)
- Wednesday – 5:30pm Midweek Choral Evensong
- Thursday: 10:30am Holy Communion (BCP)
Silent Prayer
Friday: 12.00 noon-12.30pm
Wednesday 2pm
Spiritual Learning / Sunday School
We are always delighted to welcome children and families to All Saints as they are an important part of our Church family. Our aim is for the children to learn through our weekly workshops about God’s love for them using a mix of Bible teaching and craft activities. The sessions are based on Scripture Union ‘Bubbles’ and ‘Splash’ resources. We have two groups – a younger group for toddlers and pre-schoolers accompanied by a parent, and another for 5yrs and over – generally unaccompanied. We encourage the children to make good friends, have fun, grow in their faith and enjoy the experience of being part of the church family. New children are always welcome in our groups -please come along and join in! Safeguarding – All childrens leaders are DBS checked, and our childrens advocate is responsible for safeguarding the welfare and safety of children within the parish setting.